Sunday, June 15, 2008

Big Boy Bed!

Friday was Kib and my 5 year anniversary. It's hard to believe that we have been together for 5 years. They have been wonderful, and challenging, and worth every minute. We decided to go out last night to celebrate while one of my friends and her daughter watched both of the boys. We went to dinner at this amazing restaurant that one of my friends from HS is a co-owner of. It's so good to know people. We were treated like celebrities. We did some shopping, which was such a treat without the boys. We even had a chance to hold hands which is a huge deal when you have kids, they are usually occupying our hands.
When we got home my friend gave me the 411 on the events of the night. It was no surprise to us that both of the boys were angels:) What did surprise us is that Zane was sleeping in his big boy bed. We bought him a twin bed back at the end of January with the intention of having him start sleeping in it before Ryder arrived. Our great intentions went to the birds when Kib got hurt, and then Ryder came, and now we've just been procrastinating. Our friend just assumed that he slept in the bed and not the crib since Zane asked to sleep there and had crawled in and pulled the blanket over himself. They did the cat and mouse game for about a half hour and then her daughter laid down in bed with Zane. He fell asleep after about 15 minutes and stayed in bed all night. He even woke up about 6:00 this morning, came out of his room, realized that we were all asleep, and went back to bed for about a half hour. What a great kid!!! So now we are going to spend the next couple of weeks working on sleeping in the big boy bed all the time!!! It's exciting and a little sad at the same time.


The Payne family said...

Glad you guys had a nice time. What was the restaurant you went to?

Andrea, Matt, Chloe, and James said...

Good job sleeping your bed Zane! Ryder is getting so big and I can't believe he is moving around already. He will be crawling before you know it. I am glad you guys got to go out a date. I am sure you really needed that. Happy 5 year anniversary!