As for the photos, they're just a few to make you smile. I am amazed every day bu how much my kids grow and change. Zane was able to help Daddy this morning by using his Apple/pealer/Corer. This is a big deal since just 2 months ago he didn't have the dexterity to turn the handle by himself. I just stood there in awe as I watched my baby grow up before my eyes.
We can't forget Ryder and all his milestones. He pulled himself up onto his bouncer today, and proceeded to walk around it. He's been pulling himself up on everything he possibly can for the past week, but walking along it was new. Between that and his new love of "peek-a-boo" we have a lot more to look forward to.
oh my gosh I have to say these are my absolute favorite pictures of Ryder. Especially the one in the upper right! Too cute!
What a great idea! I might have to steal that idea too! Wow...Ryder is going to be walking before you know it. Can't wait to see you guys next week!
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