Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Zane's Birthday

This is such a crazy month, I feel like I need to post more than once. And, it is of course, Zane's birthday month, which is very important and deserves it's own post. I remember as a kid feeling like my birthday lasted an entire week. Between friends and family, it did. Well, Zane's birthday seemed to have done the same thing. He started receiving packages early in the week. He got dress ups from Andrea. And not just one or 2, it was a good 5 outfits. He is in heaven with all the fun dress-ups he now has.

On Zane's actual birthday we went to our good friend James' house and spend the whole day in his pool with his 6 kids. Yup, 10 kids and 3 adults. It was a blast. The kids were all exhausted by the time we left. On Sunday, the kids went to the Natural History Museum with Kib while I worked. We had a few close friends over for a party Sunday afternoon. It was a fun, and relaxing birthday weekend. Zane loved all of his gifts, his new bike was a hit, although it's a tad too big. His dress-ups are amazing, and he has already played his games a handful of times. I am so grateful to all of our friends that helped to make Zane's day so special.


Andrea, Matt, Chloe, and James said...

Happy Birthday Zane! Sounds like you had a great birthday!! Can't believe you are 4! Love your Fire Truck cake!Did your mommy make that for you?

The Payne family said...

I can't believe Zane is 4! Crazy! I love your new picture family picture on your blog by the way! And thanks for all of the ideas of what to do with my vacation time!