Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 2010

It's hard to believe that an entire month has gone by. People aren't kidding when they say that you blink, and your kids are all grown up. Zane is now 3.5 and Ryder is 22 months. We just started talking about Ryder's second birthday and what we might do for it. Things are as crazy as ever around here. They boys are both growing in their own ways. Ryder has taken to climbing, he climbs up and on everything. I jokingly call him Napolean because he does not let his size stand in his way of conquering everything around him. And boy does he have a set of lungs on him, yikes!! When he wants your attention, he will get it, or you will go deaf trying to ignore him. Needless to say he is doing a great job at transitioning to his terrible two's. The next two years will be very interesting with him. He is the most affectionate little boy I have ever met. When we bring him into bed with us in the morning he will literally sit there and give Kib and I hundreds of Hugs and Kisses. Right smack on the lips, it's so fun, and cute, and slobery.
Zane is a smart little whipper snapper, we have been enjoying lots of new things, he likes to bake and cook with me, which I really enjoy. He try's to cut his own food, pour his own drinks, pretty much do everything on his own. And when he can't, or isn't allowed to, well, let's just say he is a master at tantrums. He is so defiant, and yet smart and sweet and wornderful. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world, and yet the most rewarding and wonderful too.
So this month has been quiet as far as activities, we went to the Zoo, which of course was AWESOME. It rained for an entire week, so the boys got to go Kayaking with Daddy in the field by our house, and that's about it for highlights. I am only working 1 day a week at In-n-Out, as I have been doing my Yoga and Pilates Training. I head to San Diego this weekend to visit my BFF Andrea!!! February is looking to be a very busy month for us so stay tuned for some fun updates. We have Grandparents visiting, Kib's kids visiting, me starting my teaching. It's going to be a crazy February.

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