We were fortunate enough to be able to go to San Diego for a week. I am so grateful to Andrea for giving up some of her time without her family, to have us bombard her house. We did so much while we were there, including a trip to LEGOland, and a bunch of trips to the local parks and play areas. It was so relaxing, and the boys really enjoyed it there. Zane really loved legoland since he was finally big enough to go on most of the rides. Ryder on the other-hand couldn't go on a single one, which is why he looked like this photo most of the day...
Thanks to Andrea we were able to get some new family photos this month. They turned out so well thanks to her.
I took Zane on a Mommy son date for the first time. We had so much fun. I taught him all about how to take a girl on a date. He took me out for ice cream, held the doors for me, paid with the money from his wallet, and we sat and talked. I couldn't believe that he sat nicely the whole time and just talked. He is getting so grown up. After ice cream we went and played at the park, and watched a baseball game here in Maricopa. It was the perfect date night.
After my date night with Zane, I decided to take Ryder on a day date (since he isn't so fun at night when he is tired). We went to the Elmo Live show. Boy-oh-boy did that kid think he had hit the jackpot. He loved it. And I loved watching him enjoy the show. He was so excited and blown away by the whole experience. It was awesome.
That about sums up our month of June. Zane had his first sleep over this month, it was with a 13 year old. Pretty funny. But he thinks he is pretty cool now that he can have sleepovers. I made it home for a few days at the end of the month. It was so nice to travel without the boys to see my family. It was far less stressful that way. I was really enjoyable, I got to see all my extended family as well as immediate. It certainly makes me miss home even more. But that is a battle that I fear I will definitely lose. Now we are into another crazy month of fun. Stay tuned for more exciting news from the Reeds.
I love your new family pictures! And your hair looks so cute :)
I still have those other pictures to send you too! When things calm down around here, I will send you a CD. I just sent Zane's gift in the mail too so you will get it in a few days:)
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