Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun times in the bath

Monday Zane asked if he could take his bath with Ryder so we figured we would try it. Tuesday he asked again, and Wednesday, and today. I think they like it. They splash and play and do their own thing.
When we decided to embark on the adventure of having another child, we did so in hopes that it (he) would be a built in play mate for Zane. So far, they appear to be on the path to being best friends. Zane is always asking where Ryder is, taking him toys, rubbing his back when he cry's and saying "it's OK." Zane really is the best big brother I could have hoped for. Don't be completely fooled, Zane still hits and pushes and annoys Ryder too, but if he didn't, I'd be worried.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Zane is an awesome big brother. They are so cute together