Friday, February 20, 2009

Kristi and Blake's visit

I apparently took very few photos of Kristi and Blakes visit. In my defense, it was busy, and sometimes I want to enjoy what's happening rather than watch behind the camera. Last week Kristi and Blake came down for a few days to see us. We really had a very nice time. My Mom got to enjoy a trip to the zoo with all of us. That was our one big thing for the weekend. Other than that we just spent a lot of time together playing outside, riding bikes, going swimming. The children really enjoyed doing all the things that they don't normally get to do at home. It's quite a change for them to go from an environment that all but forces them to watch TV as their only option for entertainment, to our house in which we didn't allow the TV to be on until about a half hour before bed. They were so graateful for all the time we spent with them, and we were grateful to have them here.
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